Factories in party colours - Hon Hadji Mustaphar

This governments is full of super incompetence and corrupt appointees just because the finished factories will not bring them any kickbacks they have all decided to put on wooden goggles to the existing factories that are completed and those which are almost completed all in the name of ex-president John Dramani Mahama and former head of states. Examples are comanda sugar factory, Aveyime rice project and kwalugu tomatoes factory, which all have being left in the mercy of the weather.

A quote from Donald Trump: Ghana is indeed a shit hole country: how can we abandoning what already exist, which all we need is maintenance and we have it running but rather money is invested in new factories that will start from grass to top.
Let's start with Komanda sugar factory, Ghana as a level of middle income status still imports about $200 million worth of sugar every year from Brazil alone and the commada sugar factory was revamped by the visionary leader (JDM) to carve that issue to help save Ghana about $200million taxpayers money on sugar import alone.

Aveyime rice project was introduced by NDC government to reduce about $51billion worth of rice import into the country each and every year this vision have also been left to the mercy of the weather to rust and rot by this current clueless administration lucking the political will to resources or continue from where the previous administration left it.
As a nation with high rate of unemployment how can we waste the taxpayers money on projects that belong to as all?

I believe strongly that these projects are being funded with loans yet we have to service those loans regardless of which party is in power but when it comes to projects and infrastructure we paint them with party colours.

kwalugu tomatoes factory Ghana spends about $99.5million  to import tomatoes yearly mean while we have vast lands we can grow tomatoes and feed the factory and also export it for foreign exchange yet another white elephant project. Still can’t understand our leaders and their way of thinking is different from their way of doing things.
All we do is to increase taxes yet we don't put the taxpayers money into active ventures to be able to yield dividends.

Am being a citizen not a spectator, Mr. President Leadership is not about travelling and making promises because posterity will judge as all.
Hon Hadji Mustaphar
#Aspiring MP 4 Dome Kwabenya

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