This teacher has the coolest way to get her students excited to come to class and it is amazing

A teacher from Mueller Elementary in Wichita, Kansas knows that education alone is not enough to get her students excited to go to school. 
So, she decided to create a class ritual that is dubbed the coolest way to attract her students to always eager to come to her class.
Jerusha Willenborg is an elementary school teacher greets each of her students with a personalised handshake
Even more impressive, the handshake does not only consist of shaking hands as Jerusha and her students can be seen doing every popular move from high-five to the trending dab
She says that the personalised handshake is created to represent her sincere feelings towards every one of her students
It is also important to build a long-lasting and strong relationship and trust and the ritual has made the students always look forward to attending the class.
Watch how this amazing teacher does her unique ritual with her students in this video here

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