I'll deal with Evangelist Addae and those fake pastors - Abeiku Santana

Host of "Total Showbiz" on Okay FM, Abeiku Santana has condemned the actions and accusations by some religious figures against him and other innocent victims who fall prey to such people.
Abeiku Santana has recently become a target for some religious personalities, particularly a so-called televangelist on YouTube by the name Evangelist Addae, who claims the likes of Abeiku Santana belong to occult groups like illuminati.
Addressing the allegations by the Evangelist, the Ghana's drive show “Supremo” vowed to expose the deception, lies and evil activities by Evangelist Addae and his kind who have flooded social media to "tarnish people’s hard worn reputations".
"I condemn all his allegations that I am an occultist and illuminati and have done ritual sacrifices with my daughter and late friend circulating to tarnish my image , seeking to attack my personality and credibility. They are all untrue, malicious, capricious and fabricated lies. God will not anoint any man to destroy people. He doesn’t preach the gospel with the word of God. He shouldn’t be taken seriously".
Expressing resentments over the accusations, Abeiku Santana said "these days it is common knowledge that a good way to make quick and easy money is to put fear in Unsuspecting victims. Mushroom Churches, pastors and so called “men of God “ are hyping witchcrafts, herbalist are diagnosing doom at the least provocation. Life was much more simpler and easier in the "good old days". It is increasingly becoming worrying how some faceless ignorants are abusing the internet and social media just to get attention and following".
In a statement issued by the Radio Host, he pledged to use the appropriate authorities to deal with Evangelist Addae and other "fake" Pastors accordingly.
Read full statement below:
You just can’t beat the person who never gives up!
There will be obstacles, there will be doubters but with hard work , prayers and the grace of God , there shall be No limits.
These days it is common knowledge that a good way to make quick and easy money is to put fear in Unsuspecting victims. Mushroom Churches, pastors and so called “men of God “are hyping witchcrafts, herbalist are diagnosing doom at the least provocation. Life was much more simpler and easier in the “good old days”.
It is increasingly becoming worrying how some faceless ignorants are abusing the internet and social media just to get attention and following.
In Mathew 23:25-28 , Jesus said;
“woe unto you , scribes and Pharisees , hypocrites! For ur Make clean outside of the cup and of the platter but within they are full of extortion and excess...Woe unto you , scones and Pharisees hypocrites! For ye like unto white sepulchers, with indeed appear beautiful outside but within full of dead men’s bones and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity".
Genuinely good people are often a thorn in the flesh of corrupt society, hence they are usually ganged up against.
John 3:19-20
Good people have often been painted black , ganged up against or sometimes victimized.
In Daniel 6:3-4, Daniel was ganged up against because he was genuine.
In Genesis 37:2-3, Joseph’s brothers also hated him because he exposed their corrupt deeds to their father. Eventually they sold him into slavery.
During the time of Jesus Christ the messiah the world loved the criminals and asked Pilate to kill Jesus Christ.
The so called “Evangelist” Addae based in the United States hiding behind YouTube and other social media platforms to tarnish people’s hard worn reputations must not be taken seriously.
I condemn all his allegations that I am an occultist and illuminati and have done ritual sacrifices with my daughter and late friend circulating to tarnish my image , seeking to attack my personality and credibility. They are all untrue, malicious, capricious and fabricated lies.
God will not anoint any man to destroy people. He doesn’t preach the gospel with the word of God.
He shouldn’t be taken seriously.
Credit to:
Dr Kojo Cobba Essel
Dr Frederick France
Abeiku Aggrey Santana
Source: peacefmonline.com

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