Meet the two biggest bloggers who are thieves and fake.
this bloggers mostly steal recognized blogs user names and either add .net too it or turn it upside down. in the case of one who tired to do same with but was caught and given the beatings of his if you search that fake blog you cant find it again. That what must be done to this same wack bloggers who cant use another name but rather steal other belongs name and use it by either adding .net or turning it upside down like writing Arabic in English. Example if the blog is they will do theirs or or .net... you see how smart they think they are? Me if any body try to do that nonsense with my site or any of the site which i manage i swear blood go flow...person goo die..
majority of this fake sites when you visit you wont see about section,contact us or even meet the writers and majority too are poor in terms of blogging..they dont know anything.the numbers which they provide on their fake sites are fake, if you contact them and they see that you want to be a treat or want to get them arrested all they do is change the line and block you, some even shut the sites down for almost a month then get back again to doing their fake blogging.
Now let meet the top 5  bloggers or more who are thieves and fake.
beware when dealing with them...

1. is fake, it has n contact page and even single detail of the owner, the real site is
2. is fake, it has copied the real site which is which is the real site.. is fake, it has just copied the oorginally site and wrote their domain name upside down, it pretend as if it the original and powerful is which is ..

Beware of the fake site..follow the real one and do business with the real one...
as time goes on more fake sites will be exposed!

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