How Shatta Wale's Manager, Bulldog, others caused confusion at Zylofon unveiling

It was a day of joy and happiness for Shatta Wale fans when Ghana's biggest entertainment institution Zylofon Media On Wednesday, at the headquarters of Zylofon Media, signed controversial dancehall act Shatta Wale unto its record label for three years with undisclosed contract details. 

Before the signing, there were series of misunderstandings and confusion which mounted from different corners and nearly turned the ecstatic gathering sour. 

It all started when Shatta Wale's project manager Julio, decided to sit beside him but some security men disagreed and offered him a different seat. 

Julio, who was unhappy about that decision started exchanging words with the security men until officials from Zylofon intervened. 

Former Manager of Shatta Wale who joined Zylofon Media recently, Bulldog was also caught on camera at the same time exchanging words with two bodyguards who escorted Shatta Wale to the hall on the same subject of they positioning themselves well.
According to, it is not too clear what might have accounted for the tension that characterized the event but the organisers acted swiftly to prevent mayhem. 

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It's good to be signed on to Zylofon Music - Shatta Wale

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