Gangaa Episode 37--38 Update on Monday 5th January 2018

Ganga runs out of the room without telling anything to anyone. Niranjan is confused. Madhvi feels that maybe Ganga is worried about the expenses which Amma ji had spoken about. Maybe this is the reason why she is saying no. Niranjan nods. Ganga loves her self respect. It might have hurt her or which kid would not like to go to school?
At night, Ganga is sleeping. She thinks of an incident (in her sleep) when her village teacher had beaten her on her hand with a stick when she had not written anything properly. She wakes up with a start and looks at her palm. Hanuman ji please save me. I don’t want to go to school. I remember everything. The village master used to beat me a lot with the stick. Please save me I don’t want to go through all that again. I will be saved only when Babu listens to Amma ji. Amma ji notices her awake. Why dint you sleep yet? Are you not happy that my son fought with me because of you? These fights have started in the house since you have come here. There is a new fight every day. Everyone keeps supporting you only so you are stubborn. God knows when you will change for good. Sleep now. Ganga nods. Amma ji thinks of Niranjan’s words.
Next morning, Amma ji returns from Ganga snan. She tells maharaj ji to bring puja thaal for her. Madhvi too readies a plate full of fruits for her. She shows them the plate. Amma ji steps forward to check the plate but the stops as she recalls her vow. You are trying to over smart me? You were trying to make a joke of me by breaking my indefinite fast! Madhvi suggests her not to give up food or water in this age. Amma ji cuts her off midsentence. I don’t want any suggestion from you. Explain the right and wrong to your husband. Madhvi goes upstairs. Ganga helps Amma ji in drying the laundry. She thinks of an idea. Will you read Ramayan for me? I will learn it quickly. Bappa had made me learn the aarti in a similar manner. I used to sing it daily. You are right. There is no need to go to school. Amma ji replies that she is always right but you never listen to me. What happened to you today? Ganga says I abide by whatever you say. She brings Prasad for Amma ji. Amma ji thinks that she too wants her to break her fast. I am all alone. Ganga insists that she is on her side. Amma ji refuses to fall in her words. Ganga wants Babu to agree with her actually. I myself don’t want to study. Amma ji murmurs that the one who should we worried must be pacing angrily in his room.
Madhvi informs Niranjan about Amma ji sticking to her words. You should go and talk to her, convince her. She wont listen to me. she wants her son to come and talk to her. He knows that his mother is waiting for him only. It is easier to make kids agree / understand things but that is not the case with Amma ji. He gives his phone to Madhvi, asking her to try Raghav ji’s number. I am not able to get through.
Amma ji is reading Ramayan. She looks towards the door in between. Ganga knows that she is waiting for Babu. Amma ji denies. Niranjan comes there just then. ganga notices him. she is about to tell Amma ji when he signals her against it. He very quietly walks inside and holds Amma ji’s shoulder. She immediately tries to focus on the Ramayana but then gets up from there when he doesn’t let go of her. He signals Ganga to wait outside. Ganga prays that Amma ji should do something that will prompt Babu to listen to her. I don’t want to go to school.
Niranjan says I am a father of two kids. It wont look good if I do sit ups before you in this age. You can tell me any other punishment that you have in mind. She says I am no one to say anything to you. She repeats her vow but he refuses to let anything happen to his beloved Amma ji. She refuses to open her mouth so he decides to transfer food in her body through drips or any other medical way. She denies. He makes up his mind to feed her something first and then only will he listen to whatever she has to say. Ganga points out to him that the fruits and milk is in kitchen. He goes out to bring them. Amma ji looks at Ganga. You are enjoying it, right?
Niranjan happily tells Maharaj ji to get the plate. Amma ji has agreed to eat. Madhvi gives him his phone. Raghav ji is on the line. He tells him that the judge has met with an accident. I am here only. He needs B+ blood. Your blood group is the same. Niranjan agrees and leaves for City Hospital. Maharaj ji gives the plate to Madhvi.
Amma ji knows how stubborn Niranjan is. Ganga adds that Babu loves her a lot. Amma ji knows it too. He is only faking this love just to make me agree to his decision. Ganga disagrees with her. it is pure love. he gave you a swear and then went out to bring food for you. Will he agree to your words? She refuses to eat anything till he gives up. Ganga only hopes Babu agrees with Amma ji as she doesn’t want to go to school. I wont so much as even look at him or talk to him. He has troubled me a lot. Now its my turn. Madhvi holds out the plate in front of Amma ji. Amma ji does not look back and mistakes her to be Niranjan. Take my swear first that you wont send Ganga to school. She is taken aback after hearing Madhvi’s voice. Madhvi tells him that Niranjan had to rush for an urgent work. Amma ji tells her to take everything back in the kitchen. Madhvi requests her but Amma ji’s resolve is stronger now. no one can stop me from keeping this indefinite fast now, neither you nor your husband! Inform Niranjan when he returns home that if Ganga goes to school then I will leave this house on bier. Ganga and Madhvi look at her in shock.
Madhvi makes Sagar try to feed Dadi something once. Sagar goes to Amma ji’s room with the plate full of fruits. She simply tells him not to interfere in this matter. He politely requests her to eat / drink something but she is in no mood to even listen to him today. All his pleas get ignored. He leaves from there sadly. Madhvi is tensed to notice the same.
Amma ji vomits. Everyone rushes to her side in concern. Madhvi tells Maharaj ji to bring water. Amma ji ignores the glass and goes back to her room. Madhvi and everyone else is worried for her.
Ganga is making garlands. Sagar asks her if Dadi ate something. Ganga shakes her head. They both look in the direction of Amma ji’s room.
Amma ji is reading Ramayana. Ganga shows her the beautiful garden that she has made for the puja. Amma ji simply takes it and keeps it on a side table. Ganga leaves from there quietly when Amma ji tells her to. Amma ji is really tired. Ganga observes her thus. Amma ji is coughing and holds her head as she is feeling dizzy. Ganga and Sagar observe the same. What if she falls? Amma ji lies down on the bed with great difficulty.
Niranjan donates blood for the judge. He is on call with Madhvi. She updates him on everything. He too is very much concerned for Amma ji but the judge is in a critical condition. We all are donating him blood one by one. I will still try to come home asap. She nods. Nurse brings biscuit and juice for Niranjan but he doesn’t eat it as he thinks of Madhvi’s words.
Sagar comes to inform Madhvi about Amma ji’s condition. Madhvi comes to check on Amma ji. She offers water to Amma ji. Drink it or we will have to call doc. Amma ji sticks to her words. I have never taken any medicine from doctor. I wont take it today as well. Madhvi too doesn’t want such a situation to arise. I know you are upset with all of us. You can punish us but don’t trouble yourself. Sudha and Pishi Ma come there. They are concerned for Amma ji. Madhvi tries to help Amma ji in getting up but Amma ji signals her to stop. She sits down with great difficulty.
Sagar is pacing in his room. I cannot understand anything. Dadi is very angry. Who will help us now? Ganga recalls her Bappa’s words. He used to say that we should tell whatever is in our heart to God. He will surely listen to us. He stays up there in the sky. Sagar wonders if their voice will reach so high. Ganga thinks of writing a letter.
Niranjan and Raghav ji are about to leave when they notice Judge’s son. The guy thanks Niranjan for donating blood for his father. Niranjan dismisses it. They find out that the judge is no more. Niranjan observes him keenly. The guy says we never valued him when he was with us. We used to think that whatever he is doing is his duty. But now I have realised how it feels (lonely) when you lose your elders. I couldn’t do anything for him till date and now I cannot do anything even if I want to!
Sudha is angry that Niranjan insulted Amma ji for Ganga. It is very bad. Your son is not to be blamed. Ganga is at fault. She will cause problems wherever she goes. Sudha supports Amma ji’s decision. Pishi Ma sends Sudha to bring water for her. Pishi Ma talks to Amma ji in the meanwhile. Sudha is younger to us so her thinking is that ways. Don’t fall for her words. What will she understand about relations? I think you dint do it right.
Sagar writes a letter to God, requesting Him to do some magic so Papa and Dadi’s fight is finished. They should become friends again. Dadi should agree to eat something. We all love Dadi a lot. If anything happens to her then we all will become sad. He ends it with, your Sagar and Ganga. Ganga tells him to add that Babu too agrees with Amma ji. I don’t want to go to school. There is no space left on the paper. Sagar is sure God will understand. Ganga is pensive but he assures her. She too feels that Amma ji will never agree to what Babu is saying.
Pishi Ma reasons that if Amma ji continues this indefinite fast then she will surely fall ill in 2-3 days. You will be taken to hospital afterwards. You had earlier also rebelled to allow Ganga to be here but you had to give up in front of your son. What will you do now if this time too he decides to follow his heart? What will you do then? Will you decide to leave the house then? Where will you go to even if you decide to leave your house? Will you also choose to stay in some dark room in a widow ashram? You are really lucky. Your son and DIL respect you so much even after losing your husband. Look at me, I am yearning to see my son and my grandson. They left me here but haven’t looked back since then. Pishi Ma wipes her tears. Amma ji asks her if she should give up in front of Niranjan. Pishi Ma explains that you don’t lose / win with your loved ones. People like us will have to compromise a little. This much anger is not good for us. God forbid what if your son and DIL turn their face away from you. What will you do then? Amma ji gets thinking.
Sagar pastes the message on a kite. They head upstairs then to fly the kite. Ganga flies the kite a little high and then cuts the thread. They just wish it reaches God and everything gets sorted soon.
Niranjan and Raghav ji decide to walk the rest of the distance to their home as the road is jammed. Niranjan gets stuck with the kite’s thread and is irked. These kids have no other work. Someone can get hurt by the thread. He notices the letter and reads it in amazement.
Amma ji asks Pishi Ma what about the decision that she has taken. Pishi Ma suggests her to bend a little and Niranjan will follow. Agree with Niranjan when he comes to talk to you / feed you. Don’t stretch the matter anymore. Sudha returns with water for Pishi Ma. She notices the change in their behaviour. Pishi Ma tells Amma ji to think about what she had said. She leaves with Sudha. Sudha looks at Amma ji keenly while they are going out of the room.
Sudha notices Niranjan and Raghav ji coming home when they are leaving. Sudha is not looking at him straight. Niranjan and Pishi Ma greet each other. Pishi Ma yet again sends Sudha away on the pretext of getting a rickshaw. Pishi Ma addresses NIranjan next. I have no right to speak in between your personal matter but I am saying so as I am elder than you. you may not understand how helpless an old and widow lady feels. She is always worried about when her importance will fade away because of the DIL of the house. Her son should not feel that his mother has become a burden on him. She doesn’t want to become a joke before her grandchildren. She keeps on doing all this just so her ground is safe. Don’t be upset when your mother acts stubborn. Try to understand her. try to think what could be the reason behind her decision! She always is in thoughts whether her son is fed up of her or wants to be free from her. She is always weighing everything. You have to decide if your desire is heavier than a mother’s love! Niranjan is touched.
Precap: Amma ji tells Niranjan that she is not Ganga’s enemy that she will think bad of her. some things are prohibited for widows though. She will make new friends / wear short skirts if she goes to school. She is a widow after all. Outside, Ganga and Sagar wonder what’s going on inside. Will Babu agree with Amma ji? 

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