Doli Armaano Ki Episode 302--303 Update on Wednesday 21st February 2018

Scene 1:
Location: Marriage Registrar’s Office
The registrar asks sanaya to sign now. samrat waits with bated breaths, to realise his dream, as sanaya gets to signing. A voice asks her to stop. Samrat turns around and is shocked to find urmi standing there. she progressively comes to them, while sanaya is surprised, and samrat is shell shocked, as he faces her. sanaya gets tensed. urmi eyes him with consternation. sanaya asks how is she here. urmi says that she isnt getting married, and tries to take her out. Samrat stops her. Sanaya asks if they know each other. urmi asks samrat to leave her hand, and jerks it free. She warns him not to even dare befool her best friend. sanaya asks if she has gone mad. urmi drags her out. Samrat asks sanaya not to listen to this fraud woman, and hastens her to get married. urmi asks how could she marry this fraud. He too starts saying that she is a fraud woman. He says that he doesnt know her, and tries to take sanaya inside. Sanaya asks urmi, if she knows samrat. But before she can answer, he grabs sanaya by her hand, and decides that he cant give her time to think, and takes her inside. urmi shouts that her Sam, is her own ex-husband Samrat Singh rathore. She is shocked, while samrat fumes with rage. sanaya says that he is unmarried, and thats impossible. urmi says that samrat isnt just a married man, but shaurya’s father too, and narrates all that samrat did. sanaya goes into a state of shock. samrat says that this is all a lie, and instead urmi ruined his life. He shuts her, and tells sanaya, not to pay attention to what she says. Sanaya asks whatever she is, and asks why did he lie, and how can he out all blame on urmi, and proving her wrong. He apologises profusely, and says that he just lied, and asks her to look at the love and hence didnt want to lose her. Urmi is disgusted, while samrat pulls out all guns, pointing out how she made life hell for him, and how she took away his son too. He asks her to get married. urmi asks her to come to senses, and that he was in jail, and asks her to confirm, as he just wants to marry her for money and nothing else. samrat shouts at her to shut up. urmi shouts back at samrat, telling sanaya what he thinks of women. Sanaya is disheartened, as she finds that she is being used. He asks her not to speak anymore. Urmi asks how low has he fallen, that he is taking advantage of a woman, to live her life. He asks sanay to look in his eyes, and ignore urmi, and asks if she thinks he can betray her. sanaya is boggled. She starts leaning in towards him, while he professes his love and asks urmi to get lost. sanaya slaps him tight across his face, and warns him that he shouldnt try his moves on her, and asks her to get lost, as she knows how to deal with such men. urmi asks him to get lost, or else she says that she wont shy away from sending him back to jail. He says that he wont spare her, and begins to strangulate her, while sanaya tries to keep them away. urmi releases herself somehow, and he ius thrown away. he gets up and is about to lash at her, when he is shocked to find her already prepared with an iron rod. She aims the rod at him, and says that she isnt the urmi that he saw, who bore through what he did, and reminds him of his jail tenure. He is shocked to see such rage, and is taken aback. She asks sanaya to come along, and takes her away. He lashes back at her, saying that she ruined him, and he too shall reciprocate, as a revenge.
Scene 2:
Location: Goa hotel
While samrat is trying to checkout from a hotel, he has a bill of 2,60,000 and lies about not having used the amenities that they have charged him for. The manager tries to say that he would have to pay, while he refuses to believ and keeps insisting that he didnt use these things. samrat gets into a verbal heated arguement, and the manager calls in the waiter. samrat says that thats no proof of his usge, as the waiter must have used it, but charged it on his head. The waiter says that nothing like this has happened. when samrat tries to glaot, and threaten that he would sue them, the receptionist fumbles, and asks him tp pay whatever he thinks is right. He pays 2 lakhs, and then takes his chance to reprimand the manager, who bear silently. samrat continues to taunt him about his meagre job.
Scene 3:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
As all eat awkwardly, while ishaan tries to break the silence by asking if anyone has any news of tani. damini says that tani called her, and informed about her safety. He hurriedly asks whats the matter, and where is she. she says that tani is in goa with her friends, as it would change her mood. He says that its good, and relieving too. Sandhya continues to put fuel into fire. Her husband asks her to shut up. But she lashes back. Her husband asks if tani told when would she return. damini says that she didnt say anything like that. sandhya taunts him, how come he is having breakfast with them. He says that he doesnt have a hearing, and henc thought he would spend time with his family. She says that he is either busy in cases or in his hotels. Damini tries to hint her to be quiet. rati tries to distract her, but she doesnt fall prey. Ishaan tries to socialise with his father, and he responds rudely. ishaan asks him to try and see from his perspective, and tries to defend urmi, but anirudh shuts him, saying that he wont have any discussions, as his descision is final, and his arguements wont be justified, as he wont change his descision. ALL are tensed, while damini and sandhya are happy. Ishaan is tensed.
Damini finds ishaan tensed in his room, and comes and sits beside him. She says that she understands, being his mother, but asks him to understand, that marriage and blind love are two different things, as marriage is for lifetime, and even if he marries urmi, there would be complications ahead, and asks why is he hell bent on ruining his life, and its better to stop now, than regret later. He again advocates for urmi, as he loves her for years, and he respects her. she says that respecting and marrying someone is different, as a woman who was someone else’s wife, cant be his too, as that would carry an extra baggage, which atleast she isnt prepared for, even if he is. He asks her not to talk like this about urmi. she gets angry. He says that he knows urmi more than her, as she has gone through a lot, and still composed her, and hence he looks upto her. She says that they all along with him, might bear this, and questions instead about her eleven year old, and asks if he expects them to adapt him as their grandson now, as they arent this big hearted. he says that love doesnt see barriers or baggages, and wonders why she cant get that. she says that she is an ordinary woman, and abides by the societal rules. She asks why is he not willing to understand. Ishaan is advised by his mother, if he has ever thought about his two younger sisters. she asks if he ever thought what kind of impact would this descision of him, have on them and their future. He asks why isnt she understanding, that he doesnt care for the society. he says that he isnt doing anything wrong, as he loves urmi and wants to marry her, and is waiting for her permission, as she wants him to share his happiness. He says that urmi is a nice girl, and thats enough for him. she says that asks him to swear on her, that he would forget urmi, and get rid of the thought of marrying her forever, and promise that he wont ever go against her. he eyes her tensedly, while she anxiously waits for his reply. the screen freezes on his face
Scene 1:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
ishaan tells damini that he cant swear falsely on her, as he cant do that, and even though he loves her, he cant accept to her wish, as he loves urmi and shall marry her only. damini is hurt and enraged, and says that sandhya was indeed right, as urmi has captivated him, and cast a spell on him, that even though he loves his mother, but he has started loving urmi, who’s unrelated to him, more than her. She says that she hates urmi from the bottom of her heart. she leaves fuming. Ishaan is tensed.
Scene 2:
Location: Goa hotel
While samrat is very miser in giving a generous tip to the waiter, he is rebuked. He gets irritated. Samrat gets a call, and thinks that its the mobile company, asking for payment of the bill, and frustratedly picks it up, saying that he shall pay it soon, and they can stop bothering him. He is however shocked to find that its a call from one of the men’s from anna, the moneylender, reminding him that his countdown of the payment has begun, and he has just ten days. samrat is very tensed. He thinks that going to Mumbai would mean that he invites death, and hence its best that till the time, he arranges the money, he stays here only, and doesnt return to Mumbai.
Scene 3:
Location: Urmi’s residence
Gaurav asks ishaan to be patient and give her time, and even if that still doesnt work, then he should try again. the doorbell rings, and urmi walks in, surprised to see ishaan standing, visible tension between the two. gaurav eyes them. urmi asks whats the matter. ishaan says that gaurav told about her coming back, and hence thought that he would meet her too. gaurav tries to give them space, but she tries to go inside saying that she doesnt want to talk. ishaan asks her to atleast listen to him. Gaurav says that she is wise, and knows that escaping him wont solve the problem, and hence asks her to sit and talk. She resignedly complies. she turns around to face ishaan, and asks what he wants to talk. he asks whats the rwason of her behaving like this, and how she has cut him out of her life, and if he has become an enemy. she says that he isnt an enemy, but he needs to know that he isnt him now, and he himself became a stranger. he says that maybe she only turned away, and just confessed his love, for which she gave him a punishment. She asks him to forget what he wants, as she cant do it. He asks why, and if his love is fake. She says that she is unable to, and that she doesnt like this. He says that he has tied her past and her bitter memories so tightly, that she doesnt want to open, and hence is torturing her and him too, and asks for one chance, to let him give her happiness, that she deserves, and fulfill every dream that didnt realise, and keep her smiling always, that urmi to be revived which she buried inside long back. she is tensed. He sys that she wont be disappointed, and takes her hand to say again, that he loves her. she is shell shocked yet again, while he asks her to understand and agree to marry him. shaurya comes, hears this, and goes inside. She says that she cant marry him. He asks why. she says that she doesnt love him, and that he is just her best friend. She holds his hand, and says that she doesnt want to marry anyone, leave alone him. She goes inside. He is disheartened.
The next morning, gaurav asks urmi if she talked to ishaan.
She says that since she doesnt want to marry, hence said no. He asks her how long shall she stay alone, in this long life. She says that her child is there for her, and that she doesnt need anyone. He says that shaurya’s world shall change, and one day he is settled, then she would be utterly alone and desolate. She is tensed, but says that nothing like that would happen. she leaves, visibly tensed, saying that she never needed nor shall ever need. He says that she didnt need anything, as ishaan was always there fopr her, her child, and her family, to support her in everything. He says that ishaan loves and respects her, and wants to make her his, and she is hell bent on rejecting him. He says that ishaan loved her for many years, but never demanded anything, and asks her to atleast try and understand his emotions, and thatr its their good luck, that they had a poerson like ishaan beside her in every walk of life. Hence there’s nothing wrong in starting life afresh with such a person, and they both know it. He says that he shall give her the life that she deserves, as she has just seen his hard work and dedication, but not the love behind it, which he has seen, and hence asks her to think again. she says that he is right, but it isnt that easy. She says that even if she agrees, what about shaurya and his whole life ahead, and the impact on him, as she can take care of him, and she is answerable to him first. She says that she doesnt think shaurya would accept ishaan as his father. Gaurav says that he shall talk to shaurya, but before that, she has to accept ishaan. urmi denies, saying that she doesnt want shaurya to be in any difficult or compromising position.
Scene 4:
Location: Urmi’s hotel
shaurya calls for ishaan, and when he comes, he is surprised to know that shaurya and not urmi has celled him. he sits down, and asks whats the matter. Shaurya says that he didnt expect anything from him, as he was his best friend, then why he did this. ishaan says that he doesnt understand. shaurya asks him that he likes his mother. ishaan is surprised at this sudden question. But he agrees nevertheless, and that he likes him too. shaurya asks him to be straight, and asks if he wants to marry her. Ishaan is stunned, and hesitates to say yes. shaurya asks why didnt he ask him, as he takes important descisions of her life, and hence he has the right to know first. ishaan agrees. shaurya asks how could he forget him, as he is the bride’s guardian. ishaan smiles at his maturity and is relieved that he is teasing him. he plays along, and apologises for having ignored him, and gone straight to the girl. He asks how can he get his permission, to marry his mother. shaurya says that he would, one one condition, to keep urmi happy, never fight with her, and never let her cry. ishaan happily agrees and promises the same for him too, and that he shall always be second to him, in urmi’s priority. He asks if he passed the test. shaurya readily agrees. Ishaan says that there’s one problem, and urmi isnt agreeing. Shaurya asks if his parents agreed. Ishaan gets tensed.
Scene 5:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
Damini is busy packing, the shagun, when sandhya asks where’s ishaan as they are all ready, but ishaan doesnt have a clue. all the ladies are getting ready. Just then ishaan walks in. sandhya asks him to get ready too. When ishaan comes back, he asks whats this. Sandhya says that they are taking his shagun in the evening. He is shocked. damini says that they cant see him like this, and till he isnt happy, they wont be. damini tells him that she and anirudh tell ishaan that they have fixed his marriage. He thinks that they finally agreed to his marriage with urmi, and happily asks if they arent playing a prank on him or joking. She says that she isnt. He is overjoyed that she agreed to marrying him with urmi. she smirks and says that they have fixed it with his friend, Mr. Jindal’s daughter, and not with urmi. he is shocked, while sandhya smiles evilly, at his plight. the screen freezes on his shocked face.
Precap: While ishaan stands dazed, anirudh comes in asking if they are all set to go. damini happily says yes. He asks her to pack some chocolates as well. damini is confused and asks why, as they have already packed enough sweets. Anirudh says that children like chocolates and not sweets. damini is confused and asks why would there be children. He says that shaurya is still a child, and when they take stuff for urmi, and nothing for shaurya, he would feel bad. ishaan is shocked to hear this and turns around to face his father. Anirudh assures ishaan that the bahu of their house shall be only urmi. Sandhya and damini are enraged, while ishaan is shell shocked.Scene 2:
Location: Goa hotel
While samrat is very miser in giving a generous tip to the waiter, he is rebuked. He gets irritated. Samrat gets a call, and thinks that its the mobile company, asking for payment of the bill, and frustratedly picks it up, saying that he shall pay it soon, and they can stop bothering him. He is however shocked to find that its a call from one of the men’s from anna, the moneylender, reminding him that his countdown of the payment has begun, and he has just ten days. samrat is very tensed. He thinks that going to Mumbai would mean that he invites death, and hence its best that till the time, he arranges the money, he stays here only, and doesnt return to Mumbai.
Scene 3:
Location: Urmi’s residence
Gaurav asks ishaan to be patient and give her time, and even if that still doesnt work, then he should try again. the doorbell rings, and urmi walks in, surprised to see ishaan standing, visible tension between the two. gaurav eyes them. urmi asks whats the matter. ishaan says that gaurav told about her coming back, and hence thought that he would meet her too. gaurav tries to give them space, but she tries to go inside saying that she doesnt want to talk. ishaan asks her to atleast listen to him. Gaurav says that she is wise, and knows that escaping him wont solve the problem, and hence asks her to sit and talk. She resignedly complies. she turns around to face ishaan, and asks what he wants to talk. he asks whats the rwason of her behaving like this, and how she has cut him out of her life, and if he has become an enemy. she says that he isnt an enemy, but he needs to know that he isnt him now, and he himself became a stranger. he says that maybe she only turned away, and just confessed his love, for which she gave him a punishment. She asks him to forget what he wants, as she cant do it. He asks why, and if his love is fake. She says that she is unable to, and that she doesnt like this. He says that he has tied her past and her bitter memories so tightly, that she doesnt want to open, and hence is torturing her and him too, and asks for one chance, to let him give her happiness, that she deserves, and fulfill every dream that didnt realise, and keep her smiling always, that urmi to be revived which she buried inside long back. she is tensed. He sys that she wont be disappointed, and takes her hand to say again, that he loves her. she is shell shocked yet again, while he asks her to understand and agree to marry him. shaurya comes, hears this, and goes inside. She says that she cant marry him. He asks why. she says that she doesnt love him, and that he is just her best friend. She holds his hand, and says that she doesnt want to marry anyone, leave alone him. She goes inside. He is disheartened.
The next morning, gaurav asks urmi if she talked to ishaan. She says that since she doesnt want to marry, hence said no. He asks her how long shall she stay alone, in this long life. She says that her child is there for her, and that she doesnt need anyone. He says that shaurya’s world shall change, and one day he is settled, then she would be utterly alone and desolate. She is tensed, but says that nothing like that would happen. she leaves, visibly tensed, saying that she never needed nor shall ever need. He says that she didnt need anything, as ishaan was always there fopr her, her child, and her family, to support her in everything. He says that ishaan loves and respects her, and wants to make her his, and she is hell bent on rejecting him. He says that ishaan loved her for many years, but never demanded anything, and asks her to atleast try and understand his emotions, and thatr its their good luck, that they had a poerson like ishaan beside her in every walk of life. Hence there’s nothing wrong in starting life afresh with such a person, and they both know it. He says that he shall give her the life that she deserves, as she has just seen his hard work and dedication, but not the love behind it, which he has seen, and hence asks her to think again. she says that he is right, but it isnt that easy. She says that even if she agrees, what about shaurya and his whole life ahead, and the impact on him, as she can take care of him, and she is answerable to him first. She says that she doesnt think shaurya would accept ishaan as his father. Gaurav says that he shall talk to shaurya, but before that, she has to accept ishaan. urmi denies, saying that she doesnt want shaurya to be in any difficult or compromising position.
Scene 4:
Location: Urmi’s hotel
shaurya calls for ishaan, and when he comes, he is surprised to know that shaurya and not urmi has celled him. he sits down, and asks whats the matter. Shaurya says that he didnt expect anything from him, as he was his best friend, then why he did this. ishaan says that he doesnt understand. shaurya asks him that he likes his mother. ishaan is surprised at this sudden question. But he agrees nevertheless, and that he likes him too. shaurya asks him to be straight, and asks if he wants to marry her. Ishaan is stunned, and hesitates to say yes. shaurya asks why didnt he ask him, as he takes important descisions of her life, and hence he has the right to know first. ishaan agrees. shaurya asks how could he forget him, as he is the bride’s guardian. ishaan smiles at his maturity and is relieved that he is teasing him. he plays along, and apologises for having ignored him, and gone straight to the girl. He asks how can he get his permission, to marry his mother. shaurya says that he would, one one condition, to keep urmi happy, never fight with her, and never let her cry. ishaan happily agrees and promises the same for him too, and that he shall always be second to him, in urmi’s priority. He asks if he passed the test. shaurya readily agrees. Ishaan says that there’s one problem, and urmi isnt agreeing. Shaurya asks if his parents agreed. Ishaan gets tensed.
Scene 5:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
Damini is busy packing, the shagun, when sandhya asks where’s ishaan as they are all ready, but ishaan doesnt have a clue. all the ladies are getting ready. Just then ishaan walks in. sandhya asks him to get ready too. When ishaan comes back, he asks whats this. Sandhya says that they are taking his shagun in the evening. He is shocked. damini says that they cant see him like this, and till he isnt happy, they wont be. damini tells him that she and anirudh tell ishaan that they have fixed his marriage. He thinks that they finally agreed to his marriage with urmi, and happily asks if they arent playing a prank on him or joking. She says that she isnt. He is overjoyed that she agreed to marrying him with urmi. she smirks and says that they have fixed it with his friend, Mr. Jindal’s daughter, and not with urmi. he is shocked, while sandhya smiles evilly, at his plight. the screen freezes on his shocked face.

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